Process Instrumentation and Controls Systems Integration Services
Click here to view the full RFQ document.
Click here to view Addendum 1 for this RFQ.
The Board of Water & Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile dba MAWSS (hereinafter referred to as “the Board” or “MAWSS”) is accepting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from additional companies interested in providing Process Instrumentation and Controls Systems (PICS) integration services to the Board and being considered an Approved PICS Supplier. Existing Approved PICS Suppliers (Revere Control System, Prism Systems, Inc and Hargrove) do not need to resubmit. Companies selected will be considered Approved PICS Supplier and allowed to submit bids on MAWSS construction and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) projects requiring PICS services. The number of additional Approved PICS Suppliers to be selected has not been determined.
SOQs must be received at the Park Forest office of MAWSS at 4725 Moffett Road, Suite A, Mobile, Alabama, by close of business (4:00 p.m. CST) on July 9, 2024, to be considered. Any response received after that time and date will be returned unopened. SOQs should be mailed or hand-delivered to Doug Cote, P.E., Assistant Director, Operations. Mr. Cote’s telephone number is (251) 694-3187.
Questions and comments regarding the RFQ must be submitted in writing to David Stejskal/Jacobs at and copied to prior to 4:00 p.m. CST, June 25, 2024.
Addendum 1 for this RFQ was posted on June 27, 2024. Per this addendum, the due date for SOQs has changed from July 2, 2024, to July 9, 2024. Additionally, submissions should now be sent to Doug Cote, P.E., Assistant Director, Operations.
MAWSS Park Forest Plaza
4725 Moffett Road
Mobile, AL 36618